HotLine Electric 50m Fence Poultry Netting In GREEN
- 50 metres
- 105cm high
- 12 Power lines
- 15 Posts
- Extra close mesh construction
- Easily add another net, or cut down the net to suit your needs

Ideal for free range poultry extra close mesh construction.
Electric Poultry Netting is ideal for containing all types of poultry (including ducks, geese, turkeys etc) and most importantly for keeping predators out (i.e. foxes, dogs, cats, badgers and mink).
It is easy to move around so birds can be given new pasture, which minimises the problems of worming and gives pastures time to recover. You can configure the net in any format, although straight lines or a simple square or circle is easiest.
Lightweight and portable containing 12 electroplastic twines, 11 of which are electrifiable horizontals within an extra close mesh construction.
Can be used with poultry from about 6 weeks up.The holes in the net are designed to be able to keep the smallest breeds safely in.
A Hot Gate can be added for ease of entry into the enclosure.

Please note: these nets are manufactured in Germany and of very good quality. There is a large range of netting available and the cheaper nets come from China and you will notice a distinct difference in quality - from the strength of the posts, to the strength and quality of the conductive wires.
Instructions for setting up a Poultry net can be downloaded here :
Poultry Net Instructions 0.56Mb PDF
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